Alice in Wonderland' Author Lewis Carroll Wasn't the Pedophile Pop Culture Made Him Out to Be

Hollywood reporter, May 27, 2016

The main points of the article include:

He liked children, young girls especially
He took photos, made up puzzles and games for them.
Many photos were of the girls in costumes although some were nude.
He did not make friends just with young girls. He also made friends with grown-up women and with men.
The letters he wrote the girls were often full of wordplay.
Many of the letters have been published (and some of his young girl friends have written books about him. Nothing that I know of in such things gives any indication he did anything sexual to them.)
The way the British culture of the time looked at such photos is not the same way people look at such photos today. What is okay at one time in a culture may not be okay at a later time in the same culture.