
10 Controversial Facts behind the Real Alice in Wonderland

(This is an article which even sites sources for its information. )

The main points of this article include:

Charles Dodgson had dyslexia.
He also had a speech impediment.
He might have had OCD.
He tried to keep Charles Dodgson separate from Lewis Carroll.
He concentrated on his relationships to little girls. He wrote to Alice saying he wished he could kiss her while he was away.
The academic order he studied under said sex got in the way of thinking clearly.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
There is no evidence he ever abused any children.
During the Victorian age it was normal for young children to dress up in costumes and have their pictures taken.
Many scholars believe he was in love with Alice but he suppressed that love.
Some people believe he was high on drugs when he wrote Alice in Wonderland.
He suffered from severe migraines which might have been from called Todd's syndrome which affected how a person perceives objects.
He also drank lundanum at times. That was part opium.
Pages from some of his journals, and in some cases entire journals, are missing.
Alice's mother burned all the letters he wrote to Alice.
Some of the photos of children he took would be considered illegal in today's world.
Back then it wasn't illegal. It was pretty much normal.
There is a nude photo supposedly of Lorina Liddell, full-frontal, and her expression is not a happy one. She was around 14 at the time was actually considered a woman. Girls could marry legally at 14 then.