Review of Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland, vol. 45, 2017

John Hopkin's University Press

The main points of the article are:

The author of the book discusses Carroll in the actual time he lived, the Victorian era.
His fascination photography was part of his love for art.
His own artistic abilities were not very good.
Carroll was always interested in small things.
He sought to preserve childhood and in some way return to it.
During that time relationships between grown men and young women were not at all unusual.
He was infatuated with Alice and her mother at least at one time didn't approve.
There was a time when he had no relationship to Alice or her family.
The reason for that is not known. It might have been bad gossip about him, his interest in Alice or a rumored interested in the governess.
Carroll eventually gave up photography.
Although Carroll wrote a lot of letters to his childhood friends none of them complained.