Alice in Wonderland, 1915

This is another of the black-and-white, silent film versions of the story. The movie establishes early on that Alice is definitely dreaming when she visits Wonderland. The film shows the dream-Alice body separating from Alice's physical body.

Another difference between the movie and the story is that the White Rabbit actually beckons Alice to follow him. Another difference – there is an actual sign pointing the way to Wonderland. Then there's something about an animal convention.

Rather then going into the rabbit's house to retrieve his glove and fan, she waits till he's out of sight and then goes in on her own. There's no scene of her growing larger in the house and all that entailed.

There's no Tweedledum or Tweedledee.

A lot of time is spent with the Mock Turtle and in the house of the Duchess.

Considering just how young the movie industry was at the time, this is a fairly decent telling of the Alice in Wonderland story. Most of the costumes are fairly decent (again, for the time).

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