
Chism, fifteen years old, soldier, goes to get a Duke free. He manages to kill a bunch of the enemy and free the Duke and others at the same time.

Hatta arrives at Shey's Orchard looking for work. Tjaden makes an appearance as it's just a short time before his wedding. Hatta appears to be either somewhat slow mentally or somewhat crazy or a little of both.

The story switches to Chism who nearly kills a guy after he hits his son.

Hatta can communicate with animals telepathically. Then in one chapter it's shown that Hatta is working with mercury, and that's where historical fact comes in. The term 'mad as a hatter' comes from the fact that many women, who were employed making hats, went insane. The reason they did was the mercury that was used in the process. So here Hatta is working with mercury, and that's where at least some of his madness comes from.

Chism teaches a corrupt and very stupid duke a lesson in how to treat regular people. Corruption and power have its way as the duke turns the people against Chism and the Elites, and they have to flee the city.

Hatta leaves the city. Meanwhile, Chism has to try to get away from the Duke and his thugs who are trailing him. He finally gets to meet the Cheshire Cat.

Hatta is Chism's brother.

Other things that are revealed include: the origin of the name Wonderland; the origin of the Red Queen; how the March Hare got his name, and the origin of the tea party.

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