Call of Wonderland #1

As usual in comics of this type the cover has women with huge breasts and showing a good bit of what they have.

The background given is that the Jabberwocky has been defeated, the Queen of Hearts is dead, Wonderland is in chaos, and the Red Knight is trying to unleash a power that is somehow tied in to H.P. Lovecraft.

Julie Sands is a woman researching Lovecraft. A librarian (who is the Queen of Spades in disguise) gives her a very rare book on Lovecraft's non-fiction writings to study.

There's a back history of Lovecraft and some guys talking about Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) who has also found out something about horrible beings. By killing a frog one guy gets some kind of huge mutant frog to appear through a wall. The creatures kills one of the two guys as Lovecraft watches.

The library collapses around Julie but she flees and finds a card about a tatoo parlor while, in Wonderland, the Red Knight vows revenge.

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