Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Grinning Cat

Can a story about Sherlock Holmes and Alice in Wonderland work? Absolutely and this book is the proof of that. It fits into the books that are Sherlock Holmes, it fits into the Alice in Wonderland books and it works beautifully together being, quite often, really funny. The author also captures the Wonderland characters quite well.

It opens with Watson coming into Holmes' apartment and finding the Cheshire Cat in a chair. It seems Wonderland characters have been disappearing and even Lewis Carroll has disappeared. Alice had left Wonderland but then started returning for regular tea parties.

Then let's add some characters. The Mad Hatter; the March Hare (missing); Dodgson/Carroll (dead?); the Jabberwocky; the Unicorn; the Lion (missing); H.G. Wells, a time machine, the Guardians of Time, logic puzzles, Mars, tripods; the Queen of Hearts, etc.

I'm a major fan of Alice in Wonderland and Sherlock Holmes, both, and I think this book works wonder-fully well.

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