The Story of Lewis Carroll, Told For Young People by The Real Alice in Wonderland

This is one of the rare books that turns out to not be good physically. This is supposedly a facsimile book but it has problems. For one thing not all the reproductions were done well so in some cases parts of the printed material, particularly on the extreme right and left, are missing. For another matter the reproduction of the black and white photographs are poor.

If you go to Project Gutenberg and search under the name you can find the entire work reproduced correctly with very clear photographs.

In the book the author notes a number of interesting things:

Charles Dodgson had a strong handshake.

He was extremely shy.

He avoided autograph hunters.

She describes his rooms noting that they had many music boxes.

He used violet ink in his pen.

He ate little and didn't like flowers. He did like theater plays, though.

The book is interesting being from someone who actually knew him quite well.

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