Knight Letter #15

The contents of this issue include:

“A loaf of brad' the Walrus said 'is what we chiefly need'
Abstract of Dr. Clark's presentation
A New Class of Membership
Lewis Carroll's Library
Carroll Bibliography Published
Society's Spring Meeting
Alice in New York and Philadelphia
Alice in Concert
Alice in Cartoonland
'What is it you want to buy?' the sheep said
Fit for a King (of Hearts)
'And what is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pop-ups?”
'And what is the use of a book if you haven't sold the motion picture rights?'
Hundredth Anniversary of Purity of Elections
Word Search Puzzle
'There is no such word in the language' said the Wasp.
'Oh, I can't dream of letting oo stop yet'
A Dutch Treat
Godel, Escher, Back: An Eternal Golden Braid
Goodacre's Query on Catching the Limited
Thank You

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