The Nightmare Trilogy, volume 1

Alice talks to Nightmare who is ill, as usual. She's having trouble getting used to the fact that days there are not normal; daylight, evening and night can be all mixed up in any order. They also do not last a set length of time.

Nightmare and Alice participate in a Survivor-type game on an island. Although almost all people are scared of Nightmare it doesn't mean that he's good at Survivor-type games as Alice finds out.

Alice wants to work with Nightmare so he can play his violin in front of people (he's very good.) The relationship between Nightmare and Alice still has its ups and downs. On the cruise ship, for example, she even slaps him, yet he texts her that he loves her.

Later Mafia members are playing Old Maid, Alice loses and she has to run an "errand." A good first book in this new series.

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