Rare, Uncollected, Unpublished & Nonexistent Verse of Lewis Carroll

Hardback. 108 pages. Published by the Lewis Carroll Society of North America.

The book has a Forward, Abbreviations Used in the Note Section of This Volume, an Apologia for the use of the N-Word (in the original writings.) This is followed by a section of Early Poems which has some drawings and notes. This includes more on the Walrus and the Carpenter and missing verses from Sylvia and Bruno. I really liked this section.

Memoria Technica is the next section. This is, as indicated, a technical section dealing with words and numbers and memory techiques. Sorry but this part I found boring.

Verses Questionably Attributed to Lewis Carroll is the next section. A very short section.

The last part is an index.

Main Index

Main Alice in Wonderland index page