A Lively Learning Guide

The guide discusses Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. It notes that the stories are non-moralistic (virtually everything for children at that time was heavily into morals), the adventure is episodic and the writing style is simple, poetic and clever.

The stories are sympathetic towards Alice. They note that life is a game of arbitrary rules. The book has chapter summaries, characters involved and an overall summary (which is very good).

In analyzing the plot the guide notes that such an analysis starts with Alice's internal situation, then goes through conflict, complication, suspense and climax. It notes the different type of character roles (Alice, for example, is the protagonist while the Red Queen is an antagonist.) It also examples various character clues, analyzes some quotes and even has study questions. You can see it's quite complete and well-done.

Main Index

Main Alice in Wonderland index page