The Queen of Stilled Hearts

The story starts off noting that there are zombies in England. In the early phase they are infectious but not mad. Later, untreated, they became mad and dangerous. Charles Dodgson happens to be a zombie who is undergoing treatment to prevent his condition from getting worse. He also has to wear a ball and chain wherever he goes.

Even when it's to the Liddles to tell some young girls stories.

The story's chapters deal with Alice at various ages. When she is 8 it's found out that some people very, very high up in government are actually zombies. When she's 10 Dodgson starts on Alice in Wonderland.

The Caterpillar is a zombie and his mushroom can make people more human or more zombie. Treated zombies are used as slaves. Much of the story is based on the actual Alice in Wonderland story, but with modifications.

It's an unusual but still interesting book.

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