Storyworld Wonderland

This is one in a series of Storyworld books. In this one two children in a library find a box and make the mistake of opening it, releasing an imp. Once an imp is in a book it can effectively eliminate parts of the book until the book no longer exists anywhere in the world.

The book the imp went into was Alice in Wonderland. The two children find a skeleton key which they use to go through a rabbit hole. The Cheshire Cat tells them their job is to stop the imp but under no conditions can they let Alice see them. They follow through the regular story, sometimes being in time to stop the imp and sometimes things don't work out well.

The imp has a tendency to escape and the question remains if Alice in Wonderland will continue to exist or not. It's a good story. (This is an ebook.)

Main Index

Main Alice in Wonderland index page