Wonderland #7 through #13

Wonderland, issues 7 through 13

Issue 7: One plot involves the Red Queen and her son getting to the Temple of Purity which is then attacked by evil hoards of shadows. The Callie/Violet/etc. Part of the story is getting to be rather boring, seeming to be more filler material than anything else.

Issue 8: Violet and Harmony are going to a club. Callie is having a nightmare. In Wonderland the Queen of Hearts and the Queen of Spades are in a battle. Harmony kisses Violet and slips her a drug. There's a plan to control Violet but it doesn't take into consideration Callie with a gun.

Issue 9: The battle continues in Wonderland and in the club. Violet finds a way to fight back.

Issue 10: An interesting cover. The story continues in the dance club, alternating with what is going on between the Queen of Spades and the Queen of Hearts. We learn her son, the King of Hearts, is a total psychopathic maniac when he wants to be.

The nightclub scene turns into an inferno, and two strange characters appear talking about Violet and Harmony and accepting one's destiny. In my opinion I think the story is dragging somewhat.

Issue 11: In Wonderland the Queen of Spades is planning another war. Callie and Violet are still driving, trying to escape Wonderland's influence. A woman realizes the dangers of hitchhiking. There's an oddity in a couple of panels. In the panel at the top of one page a woman is driving, the steering wheel being on the left. In the bottom panel the man is driving and the steering wheel is on the right side (as looking from inside the car.)

Did they somehow switch drivers and end up being teleported to England? Then, a couple of pages later, the woman is again driving with the steering wheel on the left side. Then the guy learns that picking up hitchhikers may not always go the way he planned.

Issue 12: So, we continue with the Wonderland story that twists everything that was good about the original story. The Queen of Spades is feeding heart cards to the Cheshire cat. Callie and Violet are still on the run, and Lory is being trained to be a ruthless killer. Kimberly is taken to Wonderland.

The only reason I still read this series is that I have already read so many of them. I am in blood stepped in so far that returning would be as hard as going 'or. I don't like the series at all. It is really an anti-Wonderland series which concentrates on blood, bore, and big boobs to draw the attention of the reader. These are not Wonderland characters; they could be almost anyone acting that way. Perhaps people from a magical kingdom, or some ancient kingdom, or some totally different reality, that could make sense. But the way the whole thing is handled is pretty much absurd.

Issue 13: A long time ago Wonderland seems to be divided up among the Queens, with the divider being the Jabberwocky. Lory comes through the mirror and tells off the Jabberwocky. Meanwhile a bus driver is nearly murdered and brought to Wonderland. By this point in the game almost nothing in the series makes any sense at all. Big boobs, lots of gore and very, very little (if any) sense.

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