Wonderland, issues 14 through 38

The female hatter and the Cheshire are going after Callie and Violet. Dark things are gathering for the return of the Jabberwocky. Callie wants to stop Wonderland's evil. Callie and Violet explore Dodgson's room (Dodgson, in this form of Alice in Wonderland, is quite evil.) This all dates back to an 1864 experiment that went badly wrong.

We then see the Red Queen being hunted, a group of controlled children, the Red Knight trapped and the Goddess Of Death among other people. The female Mad Hatter and the Cheshire get to Dodgson's house. There's a dead but not dead Callie. Callie later meets someone who says Callie is ready to "become."

A new character named The Void shows up and he is really after Callie in more ways than one. He creates women and destroys them. Another woman named Hazel shows up and Callie fights her. Meanwhile the Cheshire Cat is going through a self-analysis questioning his own motives.

Callie becomes the White Queen. The White Rabbit ends up working for her.

(One thing I wondered at this point was that, considering the Dodsgon house so evil why didn't Callie and/or Violet just arrange for it to be burned down? Fire seems to usually clear evil.)

Then Callie moves on to having to deal with a savage boy, a savage woman and a tentacled monster. Callie and the Cheshire Cat link up to work together. Violet is working at a burger joint. Then there's a story where the Cheshire Cat is being judged by the other Cheshire Cats.

There's a lot more monsters to fight, a group called the Antipathies, a dream monster, a being named Terror, evil pixie-like beings, a betrayal and a series of murders.

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