Alien Nation: A Breed Apart

This is another four-issue series. 1990/1991.

The story starts off like a television newscast. It sort of conflicts with the paperbacks, though, as it says that the slave ship landed due to a malfunctioning autopilot, and the books establish that it was actually sabotage, which makes more sense. If the autopilot malfunction, then it is very likely that the beings flying it would have temporarily overridden the autopilot and run the ship manually until the autopilot had been fixed.

It also says the ship's fuel was gone, yet it was clearly established in the television series and the books that the ship crashed and at least a good portion of it blew up. The article some guy is reading notes how the Newcomers adapted, and the guy is angry and jealous of one very successful Newcomer.

911 gets a call about a wife being shot and police are sent to the address. The caller mentioned Newcomers. Things don't well, though, in the shootout that follows. Then there is an article about the advertising campaign for Alien Nation: The Movie and the various comic book series.

It's unfortunate that the comic has gotten at least two of the basic things that had already happened wrong (the autopilot and the non-explosion). Sloppy.

The detective that had been shot in the first issue is recovering. The attempt to kill the guy at his home seems to have been a hit attempt. A Tectonese wakes up from a nightmare. The shooter from the first comic is in a cell. Then the story shifts to Africa where a Tectonese hunter kills an animal and we find out he's behind all the violence from the first issue. The guy in Africa becomes a berserker type and goes hunting at night by himself.

The story is a little too scattered at the moment. Hopefully the next two issues will bring things together somehow. The story is also not as interesting at the moment as the first series of comics was.

The story starts off with a gang deal going down in an abandoned theater, guns for drugs. Some things go very wrong and one policeman has a gun that can blow a Newcomer in half. One of the gangs is the Maguires. Kaddish, the guy who was hunting in Africa, is back in the U.S. It's obvious he is incredibly rich. A meeting in the house with a drug supplier goes bad and the supplier and his men are killed.

Then there's yet another thing going on, a woman clerk, I think, is falling in love with the policeman who got shot in the first issue, yet she is married. Then, in Turkey, an archeologist makes some kind of discovery of a stele underground. It seems to be important and, according to the storyline, impossible, yet we are not given any clue why either term applies.

The third issue is going off topic, bringing up more plotlines that need to be settled. Why three new plotlines would be introduced halfway through the story is hard to figure out.

It is determined that the obelisk that was discovered had to have been made in outer space. The President has been informed of the discovery. He has a Newcomer consultant but even he can't figure out where the thing came from. It's somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 years old.

Suddenly we're back in the police station where a perp has been brought in and questioned. He knows a lot about the drug trafficking and some police are going to check out an address he has given them. The rich Newcomer reveals his plan for taking over the entire planet using drugs. One of the main women police characters is shot and nearly killed by a Newcomer. Then, back to the obelisk which for some reason seems to come alive and kill the scientist examining it and reveals a human being inside.

Then the series ends. There is absolutely no tying up of any of the multiple loose ends. That is so not the way to do a short comic book series. Also, there were just too many plotlines. The obelisk could have made an entire series by itself, perhaps something from the creatures that conquered the Newcomers on their home planet or something like that. The idea of the guy that wants to take over the world has been overdone. The drug thing is also overdone.

This series should never have been done at all, or at least should have been split into several different series.

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