
This is the second novel in a series, the House of Night series. Like the first book, it's extremely well done. However, it's a much darker book than the first.

Aphroditie's version of the Dark Daughters is now gone, to be replaced by Zoey's much more positive, much more inclusive version. That is good news. Zoey also now is juggling three boyfriends, which is not utterly surprising news. The rest of the news, though, is bad. Very bad.

There is death and corruption in the House of Night, and it's not the normal kind of vampyre death. Zoey finds out someone she has trusted is really a creature of evil, and someone that she thought is a creature of evil turns out to be someone she can actually trust.

One of the people in Zoey's circle of friends dies. Sort of. Maybe. It's a heart-wrenching scene when she dies, but an even more heart-wrenching scene when we see what she has actually become.

This is the type of story that is done so well, the reader feels personally involved. I'm looking forward to the third book, and I really hope a certain person finds out what the betrayal can lead to.

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