Claimed by Shadow

Cassandra is a pythia now, but wants to get rid of the power. Tony and others want her dead; then she finds out a vampire master or someone else has put a spell on her, basically claiming her for himself.

She is not amused.

The opening part is really hilarious with Deino, Pemphredo and Enyo, supposedly three old crones, act like a female three stooges group. Then Cassandra gets attacked by more war mages and suddenly finds herself in the past with one of them.

Then there's the matter of gargoyles, who are really illegal aliens (from the world of the fairies) who are used as cheap labor in a kitchen.

There's also more unplanned journeys into the past that Cassandra has to undergo. There's also the matter of a rather large group of people who want her dead, and her need to go into the land of the fey which is basically just as dangerous.

There's lots more desperate fights, time sifting, magical beings, a zombie Elvis, deaths, self-sacrifice and potential problems to keep a whole raft of these books coming, and I look forward to them all.

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