Buffy script season 2 vol 1

As with the other books in this series this book consists of scripts of the episodes, this one being the first half of season 2 episodes. These include stories about:

The school year is starting, there's the Anointed One, the skeleton of the Master is dug up and Buffy is having pretty major psychological problems dealing with what happened to her with the Master.

The second story is basically a variation of Frankenstein, this time with a guy's brother is trying to make a female match for his dead-but-revived brother who he put together.

The next one has Spike and Dru, an attack on Parent-Teacher's Night by the vampires and Spike dealing with the anointed one in his own way.

The next story has a student exchange program gone really wrong with a mummy of a Mayan princess that had been sacrificed being brought to life. On the plus side she and Xander really seem to be developing a really good relationship. On the rather negative side, though, she has to kill people by sucking out their essence by kissing them in order to stop her body from returning to its mummy form.

Another story has evil frat boys trying to sacrifice girls to some kind of demon and the sacrifices include Cordelia and Buffy.

The last story has Spike trying to learn all he can about how Buffy fights. Then there's a strange thing when, on Halloween night, most people turn into whatever beings their costumes are including Willow being a ghost and Xander becoming a soldier. Buffy becomes a woman with a 1775 mindset. An enemy of Giles figures into this and it's interesting that the guy leaves Giles a note saying 'Be Seeing You' which is a catchphrase from the Prisoner television show.

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