Bullied Boy 2: Lots of Bullies in High School: (Drew Leighton)

Drew tells his mother about the problems at school. There's a situation where thuggish boys line the halls and pinch the bits and try to cop a feel whenever girls go buy. Drew complains about this but the principal gets really mad at him since the boys doing this are jocks.

A policeman takes photos of Drew and Lacy, her friend, that were harassed and is able to capture the marks still on their bodies. The principal suspends both the girls (which is actually not unrealistic at all since jocks are considered to be far more important than non-jocks in schools.)

The best way to fight back against this type of tyranny is to lawyer up and that's what Drew and Lacey do. The lawyer confronts the principal and points out that the principal is trying to cover-up sexual harassment in the school. (It's being going on for some time.)

Justice is served on the principal and the coach that was also involved. Then Drew finds out that it's not just boys that bully others. This leads to further problems.

It also points up the extremes that some people have to go to in order to get those in charge to actually do something about bullying. It seems so many people have the idea that nothing can be done but it can be. Granted, those being bullied need some kind of evidence like Drew and Lacy were able to get. The students need to fight back (without violence, though) and let their parents know what is going on.

Students are supposed to be safe in public schools but far too many of them don't feel safe from the actions of the other students. One part of the solution is to make sure that bullies get suspended if not expelled. It's not just part of growing up and it's not just a matter of something that just happens to go on. Students who act that way and students who act up in the classroom are nothing more than thieves, trying to steal an education away from those students who actually come to school and want to learn and are willing to behave in an acceptable manner.

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