My Little Chef episode 3

Seri is planning to apologize for changing the menu the previous day.

The reporter who wrote the nasty article is talking to Seri's sister.

Kensaku has come up with an idea of having Seri talk to the customers, learn about them, and then do a special dish just for them. Of course, he didn't bother to ask her first or even tell her about his idea before he announced it at a staff meeting.

A couple comes there to eat. The woman is going to get married to someone else. Seri doesn't believe the two make a good couple.

One of the dishes she prepares has liver in it, which the guy said he didn't like. Seri sort of does that on purpose, though, knowing the guy will react and the girl will realize he's not really good enough for her to break up her chance of marriage with the other guy.

The two are trying to figure out why Seri served the guy liver while the reporter listens in and takes notes. She fixes one thing he likes, but in that dish are two of the things he doesn't like, just not readily apparent. She gets mad at him. He always expects her to do what she wants and like what he likes, but he's not willing to even try the other way.

Back to the King's Restaurant-type closing.

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