The Amazing Deer Man, episode 2

The deer tells him something about “October Haze.” I'm not sure that's the right term, though, since the subbing is so bad.

The teacher has been selected for something.

Then he gets told he's needed to rescue Japan. Ogawa yells and runs away.

He refuses to accept the reality of what happened.

They can buy these “deer cakes” to feed the deer with.

He holds the deer cakes up and the deer come running.

He feeds the deer and none of them talk, so he thinks that he was just tired and imagined a deer talking to him.

Another earthquake.

The head of his department tells Ogawa he shouldn't be arguing with the student.

Apparently there are three schools run under the same management. The other teachers are talking about sports. The head of the place has asked Ogawa to play golf with him.

Since he did kendo a little a long time ago, he is asked to help with the school's kendo team.

The news report is on the earthquakes they have been having.

The head of the school has an informal meeting with Ogawa, who was absolutely terrible at golf.

The head of the school gave Ogawa a golf club so he could practice. Ogawa goes out to an area where he can, and suddenly the talking deer shows up.

The deer tells him he is go to to Kyoto, and bad things will happen to him if he tries to escape.

The deer gang up on him and he falls down into a ditch, hurting himself a little. The talking deer basically says that proves that he really is seeing and hearing what is happening.

The deer explains he has been chosen, and has to finish his assignment in October, and that a fox will give him something in Kyoto but working through a human (or at least I think that is what the subtitles were trying to say.)

If he doesn't do this, Japan will be destroyed.

She seems to sense something is going on with the teacher.

There's only a few students there, and one of them says she's just visiting.

There is going to be some kind of meeting about the inter-school competition, and it's going to be held in Kyoto, so Ogawa is going there whether he wants to or not.

The next morning Hottal is standing in front of the hotel when it opens.

Everywhere he goes in Kyoto he sees images of foxes. This screen was just for the beautiful kimonos the women are wearing.

The meeting of the teachers from the three schools about the upcoming competition.

It seems that the one teacher has green hair.

All the guys are paying attention to her.

She's upset (and drunk) because no one has been paying any attention to her.

Ogawa thinks that the thing he was supposed to find is now on its way somewhere else.

She has something to give him, and he thinks she's the emissary he was supposed to meet.

She is really most sincerely drunk.

He ends up having to carry the drunk teacher on his back.

He puts her to bed.

A deer walks into the hotel and wants the package he was given.

However, wrong messenger, wrong box.

Ogawa says he apparently has not been met by the messenger of the fox.

Ogawa gets mad when the deer gets mad at him for not having the treasure.

I'm not positive what this means, but it seems to be that the deer is saying Ogawa has failed his task.

The deer had bumped Ogawa's nose, and now says it put some kind of mark on him.

He looks into the mirror, and he has the head of a deer.

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