The Amazing Deer Man, episode 8

Ogawa no sooner gets to school then there's another earthquake.

Ogawa snoops in Richard's office, but is spotted.

Ogawa goes into the bathroom to see if Richard's face has been marked by mouse.

Richard's face appears to be normal.

She snitches on Ogawa.

The people in the office are turning against him, even though Richard told the snitch not to tell anyone else. They think he stole Richard's gold watch.

They want to meet with Madonna.

Hotta gets right to the point.

Hotta admits her position.

She claims to know nothing.

All three meet with the deer.

The woman's pen is missing and they start to accuse Ogawa, but Michiko finds it.

Michiko defends Ogawa, but the woman on the left just won't be quiet.

Richard comes to his defense.

Richard says some things, but the translation is so bad that I can't even guess what he was saying.

Michiko meets with Madonna alone. Michiko tells her that Ogawa can be trusted. Michiko also admits she likes Ogawa.

Michiko takes the other two on another tour of sites.

They may have found a good idea of what they are looking for.

They go to talk to the deer.

The deer talks to her.

They go to the Institute to find the object.

Ogawa asks for the object.

They meet with Richard.

Apparently Richard stole the object in order to be able to use it for a report he was doing to prove a theory he had developed.

He still denies he has it.

Suddenly Madonna shows up. She says she gave the mirror to Richard.

He admits he stole it.

He also admits he's the messenger for mice.

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