Gokusen, episode 10

Yamaguchi meets her detective friend one morning.

She thinks at first he's asking her for a date, especially after he gives her a cactus, but it's just for a general drinking session. The other two women can't make the get-together, though, and Yamaguchi thinks a romance/horoscope magazine she's found is coming true for her.

Some of the boys are going to a party that night to meet some girls.

The detective shows up. His partner won't be there, so it means that he and Yamaguchi will be alone.

The detective asks her about weddings.

The other guys from the class crash the party.

She follows the detective. It turns out that he meets a woman who walks off with him holding his arm.

The boys join her, coming from their unsuccessful party.

Some woman named Sachiko shows up at the school. She's married to the head teacher.

She tries to set up Yamaguchi with a guy. ( Many of the marriages in Japan are still arranged marriages.)

She accepts the idea when she's told it's a kind of battle. (Unfortunately, she hasn't thought it all out, to say the least.)

Everyone makes the assumption that she is going to be rejected, and both the other female teachers are interested in the guy once he rejects Yamaguchi.

Why is his fork staying in one position? When he touches it again the stuff hanging from it moves in a way that indicates it's a mock-up of real food. Odd to see fake food used in these dramas.

Her students have heard about her arranged meeting. They think she'll fail, too.

Yamaguchi shows up for the meeting dressed in a traditional fashion. (It's an actual, formal meeting. The whole process is very structured.

Some of her students are spying on the meeting.

She accidentally lets slip some of her yakuza training. The rest of the meeting goes downhill from there.

Still, the guy decides he wants to date her.

Kuma expresses his fear that, if Yamaguchi gets married, she might quit teaching. The entire class gets worried that might happen.

Some kid steals a videogame, bumps into Kuma, drops it, and the store owner thinks that Kuma and the others were the ones who stole it.

The guy is trying to get her to teach in the school he teaches in. Meanwhile, one of the students decked the store owner after he accused them of stealing the video.

If this was an anime series you'd start to see a battle aura flick on around Yamaguchi, as they guy gets her madder and madder. Fortunately, before the guy can become a pancake smeared all over the floor, the head teacher calls Yamaguchi and tells her the students have been picked up for shop-lifting. She says she "declines" his offer, and then leaves.

She knows they didn't do the shop-lifting, but she yells at Uchi for hitting the store manager. She defends them to the head teacher.

Yamaguchi's room at home. One of the guys there wants her to give up teaching and become head of the Yakuza family she's in, but she wants to stay a teacher.

The boss has a talk with the guy. He gives a wonderful explanation of what Yamaguchi is doing.

Some of Yamguchi's students go to the high school the thief is from, but the guy she rejected is telling them to go away.

She wants the thief turned brought out. She makes a brilliant speech in defense of her students.

Yamguchi's detective friend shows up. He tells the teacher that they checked the surveillance tape and identified a student from his school as the thief, not any of Yamaguchi's students.

The boss nods as he sees that the one Tetsu, the guy who talked to Yamaguchi the previous night, has finally come to terms with what the boss told about her god-given talent for being a teacher.

Another matter gets resolved as Yamaguchi finds out it's not the detective who's getting married, but his sister.

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