Gokusen episode 5

Yamaguchi realizes she's lost her cell phone, not knowing one of her own students (Sawada) has found it.

The student arrives at Yamaguchi's home and apparently has heard of the family name before.

The other guys try to lie to the student about the cell phone but they are so incompetent that it's pitiful. The head of the family/Yamaguchi's grandfather comes in to talk to the student.

There have been some gang assaults in the area and the teachers are going to do some street patrols. Yamaguchi has been teamed up with the head teacher, her arch nemesis.

Two of the students get into a fight and one gets knocked down. Yamaguchi encourages him to get up and keep fighting.

Yamaguchi's grandfather asked Sawada to keep it secret about him being in the yakuza.

Sawada talks to one of the gang members about Yamaguchi.

Some of the guys are eating and trying to hit on some students from a girl's school (without any success, by the way).

They are out on night patrol but some women run up to the head teacher and one of them calls him goro-chan.

Yamaguchi is trying to help one of her students meet a girl.

Four other teachers are checking out an arcade, and the two women teachers are riding on some kind of mechanical horse arcade game ride.

Yamaguchi gets to her class and finds her students beating up another student who belongs in a different class.

Yamaguchi tries to explain the difference between fighting (respectful-type fighting) and brute violence (a gang attacks one), but some of her students get mad and leave the class.

One of her students gets beaten up by the rampaging gang and the other students think they know who the kids are.

Sawada warns Yamaguchi about what is going on with Kumi, the rest of her class and the gang.

Her class arrives at the warehouse where the gang has just beaten up Kuma.

One of the punks attacks Yamaguchi.

Sawada reveals to Yamaguchi that he knows her secret.

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