Gokusen, Episode 8

Sawada (Shin) is telling a story about a student at the school that committed suicide a couple of years earlier in a bathroom upstairs. Yamaguchi starts to freak out before he can finish his story, though.

Then there's some very funny camera angles used as she walks down the hall alone, the shots being similar to those used in high school horror movies.

She's still totally freaked out about the ghost story. One of the funniest things in the whole series happens when the head teacher taps her on the shoulder, she screams, and he and the other teacher scream as they back off from her.

A young kid shows up at the school and they end up chasing him.

He grabs on to the nurse, yelling that she's his mother. She is, in fact, his mother, and her husband had died the previous year.

She's going to be going away for a day and needs somewhere for her son to stay overnight for that one night.

Looks like he's going to be staying with Yamaguchi for that night.

Sawada has come along to help.

A problem arises when the nurse can't get back before noon, so Yamaguchi has to keep the young boy with her.

She finally shows up for her son. He's had a wonderful time in Yamaguchi's class and she and the boys really enjoyed him being there.

The nurse's father-in-law suddenly shows up at school.

Things get worse really quickly. Apparently the boy didn't tell his grandparents he was leaving. The students and Yamaguchi want her to stay with the boy for the full day but, for some reason, she either doesn't want to or can't. Also, apparently, for some reason or another, he's not allowed to see his mother very often.

She says the boy isn't actually her child.

Her dead husband's parents took the boy in after the husband died.

Word gets out that Yuta, the boy, has suddenly gone missing. (He had been in his grandparent's car going back to their home.)

Yamaguchi's entire class has run out to look for the kid (and the Head Teacher actually approved), and Yamaguchi and two of the teachers are also out looking for him. In addition, the police officer Yamaguchi likes and his partner got the word and are also looking for the boy.

An older boy on a bicycle runs into Yuta and hurts him, yells at him and then takes off.

It's starting to get late and Yuta hasn't been found yet. The pain is getting to him and he's exhausted.

Yamaguchi finds him in the park. His "mother", the nurse, had told him if he mastered twirling he could see her again.

She takes Yuta to a clinic to get him attended to since he basically collapsed while he was trying to learn how to twirl (move around an upright bar). Yamaguchi is joined by her entire class.

She's left the hospital and now says it's her fault that Yuta was missing. She says she should break all ties with him. She thinks Yuta will be really upset when he finds out that she's not his "real" (birth) mother.

It turns out that Yuta already knows that Kawashima, the nurse, is not his birth mother.

They end up being reunited. Yuta says he wants to stay with Kawashima.

The grandparents agree to let Yuta live with her.

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