From the Heart episode 12

Mayuko and Shinichi are still exchanging emails. Mayuko's friend is visiting her again, working on their web sites.

Mayuko gets an email from her former boss wanting her to return.

It looks like Shinichi and Rika are getting along better.

Her possible boss tells her she can do her forecasts from her home computer with them sending her the data. She would still have to come in for meetings and could be called in if things get backed up. They also want to take her on full-time once she gets certified.

Mayuko takes her father outside in his wheelchair and they seem to be getting along better.

Mayuko ends up speaking to Shinichi's students about autism.

Jun's still mad at Shinichi.

He goes to confront Mayuko.

Jun asks her what she values the most.

The woman who was originally really nasty towards Mayuko finally gets along with her.

Jun has gone to talk to his actual father. He tells Jun that he didn't want Jun to be known as the son of a criminal, which is why he didn't confess his crime 18 years ago.

Jun is showing his usual level of wonderful sensitivity. Mayuko is talking and Jun finally begins to get a clue to just how important Shinichi is to her.

She goes to his place in the middle of a typhoon.

Jun and his family begin to get along.

Mayuko is going to move in with Shinichi when he moves to the other town to take up the job at the sanitarium for disabled children. She's still going to study to take the test for a meteorology license, though, and apparently she's still working from home for the weather office.

He father finally starts acting nice towards her.

Shinichi helps her take her weather measurements.

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