From the Heart episode 6

At a staff meeting Mayuko talks about her autism.

Shinichi provides everyone with a handout about autism. He offers to answer any questions they might have, and asks that she not receive any type of "special" treatment, that she just wants to do the best job that she can.

The sleazy politician is calling the family to find out if the article had any negative effects. Meanwhile, Shinichi has agreed to return to the hospital as a psychiatrist, although his only patient at the moment is Mayuko. The politician is extremely unhappy to hear that Shinichi has taken on Mayuko as a patient.

Shinichi is working with Mayuko to try to help her understand people's emotions by reading their facial expressions, something that is very difficult for her to do.

The sleazy politician looks on as Mayuko remembers something from her past. He tells Shinichi that if he strays from the doctor-patient relationship again, it could be "fatal" for him.

Mayuko is talking to her mother about a memory she had that day of when Jun first came to their house. Apparently he was adopted. Apparently his "parents" never bothered to tell him that fact. Jun confronts his father later, but his father denies that he was adopted.

Jun is still upset about the possibility of his being adopted, and Shinichi talks to Mayuko about what she had said to Jun.

Some of the questions Mayuko asks are not necessarily easy to answer, though.

Jun confronts his father about the adoption. His father, as usual, shows his wonderful grasp of human relationships. (NOT!) Mayuko arrives and tells Jun she loves him as a brother even if they are not blood-related, and her father finally comes clean about the adoption.

The sleazy politician meets the girl who wrote the article about Mayuko, who is also the girl that is the sister of the girl Shinichi had been seeing. He tries to stir up her feelings against Shinichi.

Mayuko's mother goes to talk to Shinichi while the reporter is arriving to confront him.

Mayuko and a guy from work go out together after work and are seen by Shinichi, who's there to attend a meeting of child psychologists. She and the guy get a hotel room and she doesn't really understand what the guy is leading up to.

He kisses her and grabs her rear end and that is the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. She becomes hysterical but fortunately Shinichi is nearby and pounds on the door of the room until she opens it.

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