Otosan, episode 2

One of the workers at the restaurant is talking about the rumors he has heard.

Makoto and her boyfriend are looking at an apartment. She's uneasy because the apartment is very expensive.

Makoto asks Akira if she can borrow some money.

Shiro is questioning Yu on when she is going to get a divorce, and what will happen to her kid.


Shiro then jumps on Kei.

An example of a karaoke booth.

The sisters hold a council of war over their father's impending marriage. They end up appointing Akira as the one to tell their father not to get married.

He's trying to get Akira to go out with him.

He wants Akira to convince the other sisters to approve of his marriage.

Kei stops at a store to help a young girl that's having trouble playing the piano.

Yu goes to the school to see her son, but he doesn't pay her any attention.

Her boyfriend gets mad at her for not signing the apartment contract.

Makoto has taken another job as a hostess.

Akira is at the family altar, talking about how she wanted to get into theater work and now has found someone she knew and wants to work with. (Akira reminds me a lot of Kasumi in Ranma ½, taking care of others and ignoring the things she really wants to do.)

Three girls show up at the restaurant to get a free meal, saying the owner promised them. Shiro talks to them and they don't think he's the owner. It's his helper that made them think that he, not Shiro, was the owner.

Makoto goes to talk to the woman her father plans to marry.

Makoto gets home. All three sisters are there, quiet. Her father is there with arms folded, and tells her to sit down. Shiro is mad at her for working at a hostess bar.

He demands to see the contract and finds she has a lot of money. She tells him she borrowed it from Tamako, his future wife, and he slaps her.

She explains why she wants to move out.

They're at a ceremony honoring the anniversary of their mother's death.

Shiro is at his wife's grave site and talks about what happened with Makoto. Makoto overhears him.

Akira tells him about the guy she wants to work with. She tells him she wants to marry the guy and move out.

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