Otousan, episode 4

Kei admits she'd be marrying a guy she has met only three times.

His helper asks to be allowed to make the soba (noodles).

Aunty comes in and talks about both Kei and Akira getting married


Shiro expects Akira to check out Kei's boyfriend and meet his family.

Actually, she doesn't really want to stop playing the piano.

Her boyfriend plans to leave Japan by the end of the year.

Satoshi is still in the hospital.

Makoto says her boyfriend hasn't been home in three days.

Shiro and Tamako are at a restaurant and Shiro is drinking a lot. Akira's boyfriend works at the same restaurant.

Tamako talks about Kei.

Kei and Tamako talk, and Kei is extremely nasty to her.

Yu brings Satoshi home.

Akira points out that there could be trouble with Yu's mother-in-law.

Things get wild. Makoto shows up, and Aunty shows up, and then the guy who works at the soba shop also shows up. Shiro wants to leave, but he opens the door and Kei and her boyfriend are right there.

Aunty and the guy from the shop are outside, spying on what is going on.

Almost no one is speaking.

His parents have disowned him.

Shiro disapproves of the marriage.

Kei is nasty with all three sisters.

He plans on going to talk to his parents anyhow.

Shiro's gone to the same place with Tamako.

Tamako has been drinking, too, and her patience with Shiro is at an end.

She lets him have it.

She continues.

Kei has come to visit Makoto.

He hits on her.

He leaves, and Kei talks to Makoto.

Kei is having the piano removed from the house.

Shiro points out it's not Kei's piano.

They have told her to try again to win the piano competition.

She says she can't really play the piano, and she doesn't know what to do now.

Shiro tells her the truth. Kei replies that Shiro has forgotten her mother since he's planning on getting remarried. She says some pretty nasty things to him.

He slaps her hard.

He tells her to get out and stay out.

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