Otousan, part 5

His helper thinks Kei is shacked up with her boyfriend.

Yu helps with the cleaning and the washing.

Yu says she'll help their father in the shop so Akira can go ahead and get married and move out.

The piece of slime that Makoto has been living with gets violent. He has hit her, also.

He's trying to take total control of her life.

Akira is trying to find Kei. Makoto has been hit on both sides of her face. When Akira calls, Makoto says everything is okay.

Actually, Kei is at her boyfriends.

She has suggested they just go ahead and get married since none of their parents have approved.

Both are realizing that they don't really want to get married.

He thinks Akira has prepared the food, but it's been Yu, who can't really cook.

Aunty and Yu are arranging a meeting between Shiro and Akira's boyfriend. Neither Shiro nor Akira, though, are in a hurry.


Yu is trying to help out at the shop, but she's messing up.

Akira meets with Kei and gives her some money.

She introduces two of her sisters to her boyfriend.

Yu sees that Makoto has been hurt.

Akira and Kei both say Makoto should leave the guy she's living with.

Akira and Makoto challenged Kei to have her boyfriend show you a display of affection in front of them, and Kei suggests Makoto get her boyfriend to come there and do the same.

Shiro and Tamaka walk in.

Shiro is talking to the waiter who happens to be Akira's boyfriend.

Akira's boyfriend realize he's been talking to her father.

The girls are trying to sneak out without being seen by Shiro.

Makoto's boyfriend becomes violent.

Too late. He's seen them.

The punk attacks Shiro.

He tells Makoto to leave the punk, and Kei that he will disown her if she marries her boyfriend.

He finally tells Shiro who he really is.

Shiro and Tamako go somewhere else to eat, and Tamako is getting drunk again.

Satoshi calls and says he's not staying with Yu any more.

Yu goes to confront her husband.

He hands her a divorce paper.

Akira's boyfriend shows up.

He's well spoken and polite.

Shiro asks him to give up his dream and take over the shop.

Yu asks him to choose between the theater and Akira.

He suggests to Akira that they elope.

Akira is now mad at Yu.

Akira and Yu have a major argument.

Yu is getting ready to leave.

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