Otousan, episode 8

Makoto is taking care of her father.

She says she's okay with his marrying Tamako.

He tells her Tamako is gone.

Makoto tells Shiro to find Tamako, and he actually starts hunting for her.

The punk is at the restaurant.

She makes her point clearly. She even chases him away with a broom.

Makoto is leaving her apartment.

She consults an attorney, but it doesn't go well.

She tries to find a job, but that doesn't go well either.

Her husband wants to meet with her.

However, she has to apologize to his mother. She says no.

Kei hands in her withdrawal notice from the school.

Kei goes to meet with Jiro. She's also gotten a part-time job.

Apparently Tamako had worked at a massage parlor, so Makoto suggests her father just start calling each one up to see if she's gone to work there.

Makoto tries to talk him into attending Akira's wedding, but he says he won't.

She calls him. She says they should not see each other any more.

He tries to get her to change her mind but she won't.

Akira's wedding.

Makoto is there, and so is Jiro and Kei. Finally Yu arrives. Shiro shows up, but doesn't go in and then just leaves.

Yu is drunk and yells this out.

The narrator/MC says Akira has three sisters, and asks Kei to come up and play the piano.

Kei refuses to play. Yu takes the microphone. She's gone from being drunk to the point where, if she lights up a cigarette, the fumes around her will ignite and destroy the entire building.

She tells Akira not to get married but, as far as I can figure out, she already is.

She asks Akira if she is getting married just to escape their home and her work. Then she adds this.

Shiro has come into the room.

He says she's only marrying him to hide her feelings about playing the piano.

She says she'll prove her love for him and is going to drive a pen through her hand. He stops her, and slaps her.

He says they should break up.

Shiro throws water in her face.

He slaps her so hard she falls down, and then he goes into why Satoshi doesn't want anything to do with her.

He talks about how he hasn't shown the girls love. Yu gets mad and leaves.

Two guys have to haul the punk out of a pachinko parlor.

Yu finds Tamako is there.

Both of them are drunk.

Yu says she's going back to her husband.

Tamako tells Yu she has a nice family.

Shiro is talking to Yu's husband.

She apologizes to her mother-in-law.

She says why she got married.

She says she's going to live on her own.

Yu turns in the divorce paper.

She tells her father that she's gone ahead with the divorce.

He gives her a bowl of noodles.

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