Dark Shadows episode 10

Vickie in the narration says the house has the 'smell of fear.'

Roger calls asking about Caroline. David denies breaking a teacup. He says he saw the teacup move without anyone touching it. Then the scene shifts to Burke Devlin's hotel room. Caroline shows up. He has left something on the sofa on purpose, expecting her to read it.

She asks why her Uncle Roger is so afraid of him. He says there is no reason Roger should be afraid of him. She spots whatever it is on the couch. He claims to be going to Venezuela in a few days.

There's also a really neat toy. Roger gets back and David is hiding. Carolyn says Roger has been drinking too much lately. Roger tells Elizabeth that Vickie was in the town meeting with Devlin. He's also wants to know just what Elizabeth knows about Vickie. He also talks about putting David into an institution.

Because of the toy he catches David hiding behind the chair. David says everyone wants to send Roger away. David says he heard Roger mention Burke Devlin when he and Elizabeth used to fight. Roger gets physical with David who calls out for his mother and Elizabeth enters the room.

Then the scene shifts back to Caroline in Devlin's room. He fakes a phone call from Venezuela. David is filthy and won't show Elizabeth what he has in his hand. Caroline brings Devlin to the house.

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