Dark Shadows Episode 16

A phone call lets them know that Roger is going to be all right. Vickie talks about an accident but Elizabeth says she's not sure it was an accident. Vickie also tells her that the brakes failed on the car. Elizabeth is worried about future problems Roger might have. Elizabeth suspects that Burke may have had something to do with the accident.

Roger than calls. The scene shifts to the Blue Whale where Caroline focuses totally on Burke. Caroline asks Burke why he left Collinwood and Burke tells her to just ask her uncle. Elizabeth calls the caretaker Matthew. He apparently is devoted to the idea that the brakes work on every car associated with that house.

Elizabeth says it was a mistake having Roger bring David to that house, that it's no place for young people. She's also worried about Caroline. Elizabeth asks him when was the last time he checked Roger's car. He admits he doesn't like Roger very much. She tells him about Roger's accident. He tells her the brakes were working perfectly just two days before.

Then it's back to the Blue Whale where Caroline finally is dancing with Joe. Joe and Caroline argue and Joe leaves. Caroline leaves with Burke. He says they are going to try to find Joe. Elizabeth is starting to get calls from reporters. Matthew says the whole side of the car is caved in and that it was a miracle that Roger wasn't killed.

Elizabeth wants to get a hold of Caroline but Vickie tells her that Caroline was going to the Blue Whale rather than where she said she was going. Elizabeth asks Vickie if Caroline knew Burke was going to the Blue Whale and Vickie says yes.

Elizabeth called the bar and found out Caroline had left a half hour previously and she left with Burke.

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