Dark Shadows Episode 216

We're still in the Blue Whale and Jason is still talking to Willie. Jason tries to force Willie to look at the blood on his sleeve but Willie refuses to look at it. Jason tries to convince Willie to go back to Collinwood. Willie freaks out again.

Jason tells Wille he can't figure out what is going on and that scares him. Jason and Willie show up at the house. Jason and Elizabeth go into a room to talk while Willie talks to Caroline. She realizes there is something majorly wrong with Willie. Willie gets even more freaked out by the painting of Barnabas.

Willie passes out. When he wakes up he says he has to leave. Jason is trying to get Elizabeth to let Willie to stay but Elizabeth thinks this is all one of Jason's schemes. Jason takes Willie's jacket off and sees where Willie has been hurt. When Jason tries to see it Willie acts even stranger.

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