Dark Shadows Episode 240

Maggie is still missing.

Victoria tells Roger about Josette's room at the Old House.

Victoria had told David not to go to the Old House. So, being the brat that he is, that's exactly where he went.

Then he sees a woman he thinks is Josette.

The door seems to open by itself and David goes right inside.

David goes upstairs to Josette's room. Barnabas enters.

David says he was talking to Josette's portrait. He also tells Barnabas he saw Josette downstairs.

Barnabas gets on David's case for peering through the window.

Barnabas tries to convince David that Josette is not there.

They get back to the main house and Roger is upset with David.

Roger is close to tying in Maggie Evan's disappearance and how David claims he saw Josette in the Old House.

Roger tells Barnabas that the doctor has samples of Maggie's blood and has some suspicions but won't say what they are.

David won's shut up about Josette even though Victoria has told him enough is enough. Of course, being the brat that he is, he immediately heads for the Old House. Roger gets upset with Victoria.

Vickie get snippy with Roger. At that point I think most people would have fired her and gotten another governess.

Then he sees what he thinks is Josette.

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