Dark Shadows episode 242

The episode opens with Dr. Woodword working. Burke Devlin comes in and says he needs the doctor's help with Sam Evans. The doctor has been examining blood samples from Maggie and says he's getting closer to figuring out what is going on. The doctor says there is some kind of skirmish going on between her red and white blood cells. He adds that there is something else going on in her blood that has him completely baffled.

The doctor says a Dr. Hoffman will look at the blood sample. He refers to the doctor as a he, though.

Then it's back to Collinwood is Elizabeth and Roger are talking about some accounts. Roger wants her to discuss money matters with him. He saws large sums of money have been withdrawn and he doesn't know why. He says he knows she's in some kind of trouble.

Roger seems to think Jason has something to do with what is going on. He thinks the money is being paid to Jason for some reason. They argue about that. Elizabeth begs him to leave her alone.

Then Jason shows up. She admits transferring money to a Swiss bank account for him and she says she can't transfer any more.

Then its back to Elizabeth and Roger. Elizabeth says the accounts have been straightened out. Elizabeth tells Roger there is nothing he can do to help her. Then it's back to the doctor's office which has been ransacked. The slides are missing. The doctor points out the bars in the window were ripped apart.

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