Dark Shadows episode 243

The doctor goes to the Old House and Willie is there. The doctor says he wants to examine Willie's wounds to make sure they have healed all right and also he wants to get a blood sample. Willie freaks out and refuses. The doctor tells Willie that Maggie Evans has some kind of blood disorder and he wants to make sure that Willie doesn't have the same thing.

Willie tells the doctor that the sun is setting and it will be dark soon and the doctor needs to leave right away. Barnabas tells Willie to let the doctor examine him but Willie refuses and asks to go to his room.

Then we go back to the main house with Jason and Elizabeth. Then the doctor shows up. The doctor asks Jason about Willie. Elizabeth and Jason both tell him Willie was seemed to feel much better at night than in the day. The doctor tells them that Maggie's blood contained certain strange cells. He adds that Willie might have the same disease or whatever it is.

The doctor says he's worried that whatever it is could blossom into an epidemic. The doctor wants Jason to convince Willie to get an examination but Jason says it won't work. The doctor says there's a pattern to the events.

Jason goes to the Old House. Jason notes that Willie takes orders from Barnabas but from no one else. Jason tells Barnabas that Willie was fascinated by Barnabas' ancestors. Jason adds that Willie was very fascinated by the 'original' Barnabas Collins.

Jason goes back to the main house. Jason asks Elizabeth how much does she know about Barnabas. Jason says there's a lot of unanswered questions about Barnabas. Jason says he's 'worried' about Elizabeth's standing in the community. Jason demands to marry her.

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