Dark Shadows episode 3

Roger pounds on a door. Victoria gets to meet Carolyn. Carolyn tells Victoria that she should leave and go home. Carolyn really likes Roger. She says he is charming. Carolyn says she's never heard of Burke Devlin.

Burke is talking to Joe Haskell. Roger goes to the inn and talks to Maggie. Roger tells her he has to see her father.

The painting is of Issac Collins. A door seems to open by itself. Burke offers Joe enough money to make a down payment on a boat he wants, but he says he wants information in exchange. Roger says Burke is an ex-convict. Joe turns down Burke's offer. Meanwhile something odd has happened in Victoria's room.

So, three episodes down. Everything so far seems to center on Burke Devlin and his quest for revenge against Roger. No actual ghosts or other supernatural creatures.

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