Dark Shadows Episode 349 Oct. 26, 1967

Barnabas is old and needs a victim but he doesn't want to attack Victoria Winters. His old age is a side-effect of Dr. Hoffman's attempts to provide Barnabas with a cure for vampirism.

This episode is in color.

Barnabas knows hat Dr. Hoffman wanted a relationship with him. Something has gone wrong with the attempt at a cure and now Barnabas is very, very old. . Barnabas is also worried about what Vickie would think of him as he is then.

Dr. Hoffman tells Barnabas he should attack Vickie and use her as his way to revert to being a vampire. Barnabas wants Vickie as his bride.

In The Blue Whale Carolyn says she saw the little girl Sarah. A number of people have seen her. David has been claiming that Barnabas is out to attack him. Later we see Barnabas in Vickie's room.

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