Barnabas, Quentin and the Grave Robbers

It's amazing how many of these Dark Shadows seem to have been written by people who didn't bother to check out who was who and when in the series. This book takes place in 1830. The author states several times that Willie Loomis is his 'helper.' Sorry, luv, but Willie was not born for around a hundred years or more in the future. It's the kind of mistake that there is no excuse for making in this type of book.

The plot revolves around a young woman who ends up falling in love with Barnabas. There's also the typical mad scientist who has learned how to make zombies and wants the woman for himself. There's also another vampire, Lily, who plays a role in the story.

The story takes place both in London and at Collinwood. Quentin becomes involved and actually manages to play nice and be an actual help to Barnabas and Paula, the woman who has fallen for him. It's a pretty good story.

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