Dark Shadows Gold Key #20

The story in this issue is Quentin the Vampire. Dr. Hoffman is working on a cure for Barnabas and Quentin sees her doing that. Later he breaks into her lab. He starts to change into his wolf form and breaks into her lab and attacks her. She uses the hypodermic with the serum to stab him with. Quentin changes back into his human form and tells her about himself.

Later a guy is attacked. Dr. Hoffman tends to him and finds it's a vampire bite. She thinks Barnabas attacked him but he denies that he did. They hear Elizabeth scream. She says she saw something terrible outside the window. Dr. Hoffman returns to her home and finds out Quentin is there.

He changes form and yet again attacks Dr. Hoffman. He stops and she sends him to a hospital to get a blood transfusion but he changes form again. Barnabas tries to explain to Quentin what has happened but he doesn't like to listen to reason.

Later Quentin tries to attack Elizabeth. Dr. Hoffman goes to Canada to find a cure. Roger sends Quentin to see a specialist in New York not realizing it's the time of the full moon. Barnabas goes to New York and gets help from someone in Chinatown who knows where Quentin is.

Barnabas stabs him with another hypodermic and this one actually works putting Quentin into normal werewolf form and not a werewolf/vampire form.

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