Dark Shadows Gold Key #22

Seed of Evil is the name of the story. The story opens with four college students holding some kind of occult meeting. The form one of the group contacts says that there is evil at Collinsward. Apparently whatever it is either can't read maps or just can't spell. It says the anti-life must be destroyed.

Then the one that made contact drinks some kind of foul brew. He claims to be a sorcerer. Barnabas has pain and he says it's because someone is planning to kill him. That would, of course, be somewhat unusual since he is already dead. Apparently whoever wrote the script for this story forgot that little bit of information. Barnabas can be destroyed but not killed.

Professor Stokes visits a greenhouse and finds out a student is growing wolfsbane. The student follows the professor to Collinwood. The student sneaks wolfsbane into a floral grouping and that makes Quentin ill. He also plans to kill Dr. Hoffman and Professor Stokes. He puts other plants into the greenhouse and they grow quickly and look like like Hoffman and Stokes.

The punk tries to have the assassin plants take out the two while they are sleeping but Barnabas is prepared and sets the house on fire, destroying the pods. Then he shows the punk that the main evil is Angelique.

The kid realizes he did wrong.

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