Dark Shadows Gold Key #27

My Blood or Yours: Quentin tells Barnabas he's on the way to being cured of the werewolf curse. Part of a chimney nearly misses Barnabas and he realizes there's someone out to kill him. Someone tries to stake Barnabas but a trap has been sent and a powerful sleeping gas is emitted, knocking out the would-be killer who turns out to be Quentin.

Quentin seems to have gone mad. Barnabas watches him do a full transformation into werewolf form. Quentin tries to kill Barnabas but Barnabas transforms into a bat then hits Quentin over the head with a rock.

Barnabas then does another of his light-the-candle-and-go-into-the-past things to find the guy that originally wrote the 'cure' that Quentin is trying to use. He ends up during the time of the witch trials in Collinsport.

Soldiers threaten the alchemist and then leave. Barnabas tells him the who evil thing going on is simply to allow certain people in the town to take over other people's property without paying a cent for it. Later the soldiers arrest the alchemist and take him to jail.

Then suddenly Angelique becomes involved. The 'judge' has made an arrangement with her to live as long as a certain tree stands but doesn't count on it being hit by lightning during a storm. End of evil judge and Barnabas returns to his own time to talk to Quentin.

Quentin burns the bad-side-effects formula so he won't try to kill Barnabas while under its influence.

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