Dark Shadows Gold Key #31

The story is titled The Doom of Helgi Kolnisson. For once Roger is involved and both her and Barnabas somehow travel back in time against their wills. They end up in Iceland about a thousand years in the past. Helgi wants to kill an enemy that stole his daughter and killed his men. It turns out Roger is a distant relative.

The wizard is evil and wants Barnabas' ring, thinking it will allow him to travel through time. A group of raiders attacks and Helgi and Roger both have to fight them off. Roger's even dressed as a Viking warrior.

Helgi with undead warriors plans an attack. Barnabas meets a female seer who wants his help to destroy the evil wizard. She helps Barnabas capture the wizard's familiar which he uses later, sending the wizard into some kind of permanent inner turmoil.

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