Dark Shadows Gold Key #32

The story is The Secret of the Lighthouse. A woman named Maggie Harris has parked her car on a cliff and decides to take a walk in the stormy rain. (Excuse me but who parks their car during a storm on a cliff and then gets out and takes a walk in the rain? ) Barnabas tries to help her and falls off the cliff. (A cliff which he has been on many, many times and never fallen.)

Then there's a guy out in the rain who is looking for his Joyce and finds some kind of ghost in the water. She disappears quickly and the guy pulls Barnabas out of the water. Roger has nightmare about Barnabas at the same time. Barnabas has amnesia (surprise, surprise) and thinks he's Doctor Jules Hoffman.

Barnabas now has a split personality, goes out and feeds on a guy, killing him in the process. Barnabas then apparently kills another guy and it just happens (right, just happens) that both guys were crooks. Barnabas gets picked up by the police, the lighthouse guy dies, the crooks try to make an escape but Barnabas stops them and the guy has reunited with his ghostly love.

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