Dark Shadows Gold Key #34

The title of this story is Collinwood Possessed. It seems that Elizabeth catches Barnabas in his coffin. A short time later Barnabas watches as Elizabeth tries to attack Roger. Neither can remember doing that, though. Apparently an evil wizard that Barnabas knows has returned and taken a knife.

Barnabas talks to the professor and it's determined that there are actually two evil forces at work. The wizard (possessing Roger) clashes with Elizabeth (possessed by Angelique). She flees Elizabeth during the attack and the wizard makes plans to kill Elizabeth. Quentin, meanwhile, has turned into a werewolf and has been taken possession of by Angelique.

Then there's the wizard's backstory and he makes use of the Eye of Agamotto, something which Doctor Strange uses years later. He appears in a room and a woman yells to Stephen who just happens to be Doctor Strange's first name.

Barnabas ends up confronting the wizard and destroying him.

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