Rosicrucian Declaration Of Human Duties

Article 1: It is individual’s duty to respect without reservation Human Rights such as they are defined in the Universal Declaration.

Article 2: It is each individual’s duty to respect him-or herself not to debase or her body or conscience through behaviors or practices that jeopardize his or her dignity or integrity.

Article 3: It is each individual’s duty to respect others, irrespective of race, gender, religion, social status, community, or any other apparently distinctive element.

Article 4: It is each individual’s duty to respect the laws of the countries in which he or she lives, being understood that such laws should based on the respect for the most legitimate rights of individuals.

Article 5: It is each individual’s duty to respect the religious and political beliefs of others, as long as they do not harm human beings or society,

Article 6: It is each individual’s duty to be benevolent in thoughts, words, and deeds, in order to be an agent of peace in society and an example to others.

Article 7: It is the duty of each individual who is legal age, and in a fit condition to work, to do so, whether it be support his or her needs or his or her family’s needs, to be useful to society to grow personally, or simple not to sink into idleness.

Article 8: It is the duty of each individual who is responsible for raising and educating a child to instill the child courage, tolerance, non-violence, generosity, and more generally, the virtues that will make the child a respectable and responsible adult.

Article 9: It is each individual’s duty to to assist anyone in danger, whether direct action, or doing everything necessary so that qualified or authorized people can act.

Article 10: It is each individual’s duty to consider the whole humanity as his her family and to behave in all circumstances and everywhere as a citizen of the world. This means making humanism the basis of his or her behavior and philosophy.

Article 11: It is each individual’s duty to respect other’s good, whether private or public, individual or collective.

Article 12: It is each individual’s duty to respect human life and to consider it the most precious good existing in the world.

Article 13: It is each individual’s duty to respect and preserve Nature, so that present and future generations can benefit from it on all planes and consider Nature a universal heritage.

Article 14: It is each individual’s duty to respect animals and to truly see them as beings that are not only alive; they are also conscious and feeling.

-from: The Rosicrucian – No. 64 May 2016

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