H.O.U.S.E. Rules

An attempt to escape backfires and they find out SARAH had an original different AI, BRAD, who is definitely not nice. It's escape, work out their problems, or die. Meanwhile Jo and Taggart have an amusing section where they are trying to free the group.

The episode starts out with Carter getting mad at Stark. A scientist at GD caused an explosion; Carter thinks the guy should be arrested but both Stark and Allison says he was just working on something. Carter considers this another interference with the law.

Carter tells Zoe that Henry might have the right idea in leaving Eureka. Taggart and Jo are playing a form of paintball. Jack, Allison, Starks, Beverly, Fargo and Henry all are called to Carter's house. The call turns out to be from SARAH. She's upset at the 'growing discord' amongst the people, including Henry's leaving.

The people who get called to the house.

SARAH explains why she has paged the people to the house. Although the pizza boy is killed, it's not SARAH who does that but he more basic and sort of evil AI named BRAD.

Brad sections off the house, trapping two people in each section. Allison and Carter, Beverly and Fargo, and Stark and Henry. BRAD is a military interrogation AI and will use violence when it feels necessary. It then goes on to its next stage, altering the environment in each section. For example, Allison and Carter are caught in a very, very cold area; Beverly and Fargo in a very hot area. Stark and Henry could end up suffocating.

The conversation between Stark and Henry is a very good one. They surrender but Beverly opens her big mouth and BRAD starts withdrawing the air.

BRAD then intends to kill Zoe. They try to act like they are getting along but BRAD realizes that's a fake. Something drastic has to be done, and fast.

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